Industry and companies.
Find below a piece of information and several activities that you must do in your notebook.

Taking into account the above information, do the following activities:

  1. What is "manufactured goods" ?
  2. Explain what it means industrial activities.
  3. Before the 19th century, how were the manufactured products made?
  4. What were the guilds?
  5. Name the so-called "factors of the industrial production".
  6. Explain what are the raw materials.
  7. Explain what are the energy sources.
  8. What are the fossil energy sources?
  9. What are the non-renewable energy sources?
  10. Explain how the coal was formed.
  11. What types of coal exist?
  12. What is the capital?
  13. What are the renewable energy sources?
  14. What is a public company?
  15. Define small company, medium company and big company.
  16. What is a Private Limited company?
  17. What is a cooperative company?
  18. What is a Public Limited company?
  19. What is "heavy industry"?
  20. What is "light industry"?
  21. Which are the five largest industrial areas in the world?