Ozone layer depletion.


The ozone is a gas concentrated in the stratosphere. This gas has a property: it absorbs the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

But, what are ultraviolet rays?

They are the ones that do this:

The ozone layer neutralizes part of the ultraviolet rays from the sun, but watch out, only a part, not all of them.

Explain what the ultraviolet rays are. 

How do we protect ourselves from the ultraviolet rays that manage to go through the ozone layer?

What happens in those places where the ozone layer is thinner?

If there wasn't an ozone layer, could we go to the beach?

We investigate

What is the cause (industrial) of the destruction of the ozone layer?

Currently, what is the situation of the ozone layer? Is there more stratospheric ozone or is there less than 50 years ago? Why?