The cost of living.

Staple food prices are a good indicator of the real cost of living in a certain place. But a list of prices does not give us enough information if we do not know also how much money a day people earn in that place.

Let's compare the cost of living in two very different countries: Spain and Colombia.


The cost of living in Spain.

These are the wages of a farmer worker in Andalucia:


In Spain in 2011 chicken cost 2€ per Kg. How many kilos of chicken can a farm worker from Andalucia buy with his daily salary?

The cost of living in Colombia.

In 2011, a Colombian farm worker earned 25000 Colombian pesos every working day.

In 2011, one kilo of chicken in Colombia cost around 4700 Colombian pesos.

How many kilos of chicken can a Colombian farm worker buy with his daily salary?



Big Mac.

  • A hamburger (Big Mac) costs 3,5€ in Spain. How many hamburgers can a farm worker buy with his daily salary?

  • The same hamburger costs 8400 pesos in Colombia. How many hamburgers can a Colombian farm worker buy with his daily salary?



Taking all this information into account, where is there a higher cost of living, in Spain or in Colombia? and in which proportion exactly?


Write in an orderly manner all the questions you can come up with that relate to this topic.